Bingung Cari Ucapan Imlek 2024? Coba 20 Kata-kata Bahasa Inggris Ini Dijamin Kece!
Perayaan Tahun Imlek sebentar lagi akan dirayakan oleh masyarakat Tionghoa. Pada hari tersebut, biasanya ada tradisi berbagi ucapan. Nah berikut ini 20 ucapan Imlek 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa dijadikan inspirasi.
Diketahui, Imlek tahun ini jatuh pada hari Sabtu, 10 Februari 2024. Berdasarkan SKB 3 Menteri, tercatat ada libur Cuti Bersama Imlek pada hari Jumat, 9 Februari 2024. Itu artinya, kita akan mendapat libur panjang di akhir pekan.
Pada perayaan Imlek ini biasanya akan ada momen berbagi ucapan selamat. Nah bagi yang butuh inspirasi, simak berikut ini 20 ucapan Imlek 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris untuk dikirim kepada teman atau media sosial.
20 Ucapan Imlek 2024 Dalam Bahasa Inggris
1. At the beginning of the year of the wood dragon, may your every step be full of courage and desire. Happy Chinese New Year!
2. New year, new hopes. May the Year of the Wood Dragon bring happiness, prosperity and good fortune.
3. In this year's dragon dance, let's dance together towards higher goals and dreams. Happy Chinese New Year!
4. The wooden dragon carries the meaning of courage and success. May every effort you make this year produce brilliant results. Happy Chinese New Year!
5. The year of the wood dragon is a great time to build a strong foundation for a better future. Happy Chinese New Year 2024!
6. Under the shadow of a mighty dragon, let's join the new year with a burning spirit. Happy Chinese New Year 2024!
7. In the roar of the new year, may happiness and luck always accompany your every step. Happy Chinese New Year everyone!
8. Wooden dragons are believed to bring positive energy. May this year your days be filled with happiness, health and success. Happy Chinese New Year!
9. At the beginning of the year, find the courage to chase big dreams. Happy Chinese New Year!
10. In the bright lights of Chinese New Year, let's be grateful for our achievements and learn from our experiences. Happy Chinese New Year!
11. Wooden dragons carry messages of wisdom. May every decision you take bring you good luck. Happy Chinese New Year 2024!
12. Under the rays of the new sun, welcome the new days of the year of the wood dragon with smiles and hope. Happy Chinese New Year!
13. In the roar of firecrackers and fireworks, let's welcome the new year with joyful spirit. Happy Chinese New Year!
14. Happy Chinese New Year 2024! The year of the wood dragon brings courage to move forward. May every step you take bring success.
15. Happy Chinese New Year! In the excitement of the Chinese New Year party, let's look to a bright future together.
16. The wooden dragon is a symbol of strength. May your strength never fade in every journey of your life. Happy Chinese New Year!
17. Happy Chinese New Year 2024! Under the dragon's wings which symbolize protection, may your every step always be filled with good luck.
18. Happy Chinese New Year! The year of the wood dragon brings new hope. May every wish you have come true this year.
19. Under the blue sky, let's welcome the new year with joyful hearts. Happy Chinese New Year!
20. Wood dragons bring the courage to challenge boundaries. May this year bring many extraordinary achievements. Happy Chinese New Year 2024!
Demikian 20 ucapan atau kata-kata Imlek 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris untuk dibagikan kepada teman atau caption di media sosial. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat!
Kontributor : Ulil Azmi
Tag: #bingung #cari #ucapan #imlek #2024 #coba #kata #kata #bahasa #inggris #dijamin #kece